
Shred rug


Few people already remember the rustic colorful rugs made of shreds ... But meanwhile, if you have a few meters of fabrics, you can weave a charming fashion rug in the same style. Its sizes will be

You will need
Few meters of fabric
Non-slip mesh
Carpet Hook

Tip: if you plan to often use the rug, as well as wash it, first manually tuck the sections of the shreds into the wrong side and hem them.
How it's done
Tear the fabric into strips. OK. 12 x 2.5 cm. Cut the desired shape from the net.

Stripes begin to attach from the center. To attach the strips, insert the carpet hook from above through the hole in the net, and in the next hole, bring it up. This opens the "tongue". Lay the strip inside the hook, pull out the loop (the tongue closes at the same time). After that, fix the position of both ends of the strips with your fingers.
Re-insert the hook from top to bottom (the tab automatically opens), grab both ends of the strip and stretch them through the first loop.
To make the mat look beautiful, stretch the strips through the mesh cells as densely as possible to each other.
