
Shorts: summer 2012


Summer is the perfect time to showcase slender legs. Shorts are the perfect type of clothing for this. So, they are unlikely to ever go out of fashion.

There are many options, you can choose fashionable shorts for any type of figure. We offer to see how famous designers beat this hot topic.
Length shorts can be very different. The most fashionable length for this summer is to the knee.

Bermuda it is preferable to sew from light fabrics with prints. But, of course, not only, and even more so for men.

Athletic shorts, practical and comfortable, are also relevant.

Shorts are in fashion with lapels at the bottom.

Squeak Fashion Summer 2012 - Shorts high waistline (this style visually lengthens the legs).

Overalls and semi-overalls, as well as suits with shorts - a great option for the city and for parties

Most fashionable accessory for shorts - a belt or belt, can be in a contrasting color.

You can combine shorts with any on horseback - from the top and the summer blouse to the pullover with a vest and jacket.

For men shorts will also be an integral part of the wardrobe this summer ...

Photo: ANIA ARBELINA; Black Star by Timati & Andrey Ponomarev; Chistovaendourova; CoSTUMENational; Dasha Gauser; Defile na Neve; DHL Frankie Morello; Italian New Upcoming Designers; Julia Nikolaeva; Laboratoriya13; Leonid Alexeev; Poustovit; Slava Zaitsev; Tegin; The MuskoviteS by Masha Kravtsova; Viva Vox; Vladislav Aksenov; Yez by Yegorzaitsev.
