
5 interesting facts about the famous tweets of Chanel that you did not know about (video)


In 1920, Coco Chanel opened the tweed fabric world of fashion. She brought them from Scotland ...

To this day, Chanel fashion house is the largest and most prestigious customer of the Linton Tweeds textile factory, which produces the highest quality fabrics for fashion houses around the world. But, the most unique tweed Chanel created manually in the Maison Lesage Atelier (studio Mason Lesage) in Paris.

5 interesting facts:

1. The cult tweed fabric acquires its finished appearance as a result of the complex process of weaving different types of threads, their successive alternation.
2. In one web alone, up to 12 different threads can be used in the shared direction.
3. An unlimited number of threads can be used along the transverse line, which, as a result, gives the tweed fabric its unique look.
4. The endless variations with various threads used in the weaving process in the transverse direction, allow you to get tweed of different texture, density, with unique patterns, which is undoubtedly the pride of the fashion house.
5. Maison Lesage Atelier - the oldest embroidery studio founded in 1858 in Paris, headed by François Lesage - the king of embroidery. Today, the studio, which is famous for the highest quality tweed in the world, belongs to the fashion house Chanel.

Photo: Chanel
