
Greece: fashion empire (contest!)


Want to visit Greece? Share your Greek-style selfies with us! And win a trip for two to this wonderful country!

This season, Greece has become the most popular foreign resort among Russians: a culture and religion close to us, a mild climate, excellent beaches and numerous attractions - this beautiful country has become a favorite vacation spot for many families.
From Moscow and other cities of the European part of Russia it is not long to fly - only 3 hours. But if earlier, due to the euro exchange rate, holidays in Greece were considered rather expensive, then this year Russia and Greece agreed on special conditions.

Russian and Greek authorities have agreed on special prices and discounts for Russian tourists. Throughout 2016, buyers from Russia will receive an additional 20% discount in Greek stores.
Lists with addresses of stores that have signed the agreement can be found with your tour operator. But even without a list, these shops can be found in any resort in Greece: on their doors you will see stickers in Russian and English, informing that discounts are made here for Russians.

You can save money at the end of your vacation by buying Greek goodies at a big discount: olive oil, feta, honey, wine and coffee in duty free shops at the airport.
Well, and the main treasure that Russian fashionistas seek to bring from Greece is, of course, a fur coat.
Greek fur coats are produced in a picturesque place of Kastoria. Surrounded by mountains and a clear lake, this city has been famous for its furs since ancient Hellas. There are several hundred fur coats here, providing their products to almost all of Europe. The lion's share of fur coats from Kastoria is then transported to Italy. And these coats are sold as Italian much more expensive. And in Greece you can buy a short mink coat for only $ 250-300! Every year, one of the largest fur exhibitions is held in Kastoria, in which all manufacturing companies are eager to take part.

How to choose the right fur coat?

1. Especially thick and fluffy fur - in winter animals. In the summer, the animals molt and the fur may be less thick. Ask your seller: "And what is the fur so small, the mink is summer?"

2. The skin should not be stretched. The fur coat from well-made skins is “thick”, the fur is thick and shiny, without “creases”. The seams are stitched thinly, accurately and are almost not felt.
3. Shake the fur coat and see how the villi crumble. If the process is clearly not intense, then the fur coat is of high quality. If you run your hand “against the coat” and the fur quickly falls into place, and the skin is soft to the touch, everything is in order.
4. When buying a “black diamond”, you should look at the color of the undercoat (it should also be black) and check the color of the skin. If the fur coat is really “diamond” rather than dyed and presented as premium fur, then the skin should remain white.
5.How the plates of skins are fitted depends on how the fur looks on the fur coat as a whole. The seller must, at your request, tear off the hem of the lining and give a look at the fur coat from the inside. On the inside of the fur coat, you check the seams, leather dressing and plate sizes. It is bad if you saw small pieces - such a fur coat will last only 2–3 seasons.
Participate in the contest "Greece, my love!", Which will allow you to go to Greece for free. And maybe there you will find the coat of your dreams! Post a selfie photo on your Instagram with a signature to compete for the prize - a trip for two.

Conditions of the competition

To participate in the photo contest, you must publish a Greek-style selfie photo or from a trip to Greece, which would reflect the love of this amazing and beautiful country. Be creative and you will have a chance to win a trip to Greece for two!
Post a photo on Instagram with the following signature and hashtags: "Contest" Greece, my love! "#Lovegreecewithglam, #visitgreeceru". The competition will run until August 14th. Read more about the conditions of the competition and summing up the results here!
