
Fiber of life


More recently, fiber was ruthlessly called a ballast. Today, probably not a single diet is complete without it; whole health systems are built on it.

We can say that fiber (it is also dietary fiber and complex carbohydrates) is experiencing a high point. What valuable qualities are not found in her! And anti-cancer effect, and the ability to remove toxins, cleanse blood vessels. Finally, it is definitely proven that it contributes to weight loss. For a very long time, the role of dietary fiber has not been taken into account in theories of balanced nutrition. The fact is that fiber is not destroyed by the human digestive system and is not absorbed in the intestines. We don’t even have an enzyme that can break it down. And since fiber does not break down and is not digested, therefore, it has no energy value. So the nutritionists reasoned in the middle of the twentieth century. In addition, dietary fiber does not contain vitamins or minerals. A completely useless product!

Only studies of recent decades have shown that without fiber, a person simply can not live. Firstly, thanks to these fibers, intestinal bifidobacteria and lactobacilli get a nutrient medium. Secondly, fiber is like a brush for the intestinal tract: it is not absorbed by itself, but, passing through the digestive tract, captures excess fats, toxins, adsorbs and removes harmful substances, which contributes to better absorption of the rest of the food. Thirdly, it provides a long feeling of satiety, since it tends to grow in volume while in the stomach. The more dietary fiber in the diet, the lower the risk of gaining extra pounds.

For those who are losing weight

Today, any conscious losing weight will immediately call a standard set of products for those on a diet: vegetables, cereals, non-starchy fruits. In 9 out of 10 cases, such foods will be rich in fiber.

And that's why they help to lose weight:

■ Insoluble fiber stays in the stomach for a long time. The feeling of satiety from such a meal comes faster and lasts longer. When the stomach is empty, it stimulates the production of a large amount of the ghrelin appetite hormone - it sends the signal “It's time to eat” to the brain. When the stomach is full, ghrelin production stops, the feeling of hunger passes.

■ Coarse fibers act as sponges, absorbing and retaining water in the stomach. In vegetables and fruits, for example, the liquid is 90% of the volume. And in the water, as you know, there are no calories, but it increases the amount of food filling the stomach.

■ Foods rich in any kind of fiber should be chewed carefully. And this not only prolongs the pleasure of food (which is extremely important for weight loss), but also makes you eat slower. That is, it allows the brain to register the “Stop eating” signal received from the stomach in time and saves you from overeating.

■ Dietary fiber slows down the absorption of sugars in the intestines. Therefore, with the same calorie content, sweet and salad are not comparable in terms of satiety. Glucose (from a candy) is rapidly absorbed, its blood level rises immediately, the pancreas releases insulin, under its influence, the glucose content in the blood decreases rapidly, and a feeling of hunger appears. And from the salad, glucose is absorbed slowly, which provides dietary fiber. That’s why it’s impossible to eat sweets.

What are the fibers

Dietary fiber is a plant product, they are divided into two types: soluble and insoluble. Soluble - This is pectin from vegetables and fruits, some types of cellulose from cereals, inulin, gum and mucus from cereals. They absorb and remove cholesterol and bile acids, protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from mechanical damage. Insoluble - cellulose and lignin, as well as some types of hemicellulose from the shells of plant cells.They give a lasting feeling of satiety.

Soluble and insoluble fiber we need equally, although it acts differently. Soft fibers create a substrate for colon bacteria, while coarse fibers directly form their food.

A high fiber diet is good for everyone, regardless of age or weight, because it:

■ Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. This has been shown by numerous studies. One of the last was held at the National Institute for the Study of Cancer in Rockville (USA). Scientists over the course of 9 years observed 388 thousand men and women who kept a detailed nutrition diary. 20% of participants consumed 25-40 g of fiber daily, and it was in this group that they suffered less from heart problems compared with those who consumed half the amount of fiber.

■ Lowers cholesterol and thus prevents the development of atherosclerosis and early aging. Bile acids are built from cholesterol, they are secreted into the gastrointestinal tract along with bile. Most of them are then absorbed back and goes to the formation of new portions of cholesterol. Dietary fiber delays the reverse absorption of bile acids.

■ Prevents the development of malignant tumors. The risk of colon cancer is particularly reduced. Studies have shown that fiber also reduces the likelihood of developing breast and ovarian cancer. The effect is due to the fact that dietary fiber interferes with the absorption of carcinogens coming from food or forming in the intestine.

■ Normalizes bowel function. Dietary fibers are prebiotics, that is, nutrition for beneficial lactobacilli and bifido-bacteria that live in the colon. They support the immune system, synthesize certain vitamins and serve as an excellent prevention of constipation.

Fiber nuances

The fiber consumption rate in Russia is 20 g per daywhereas in the USA and Europe - 25−35 g. Of great importance is the balance, it is desirable that the ratio of coarse and soft fibers be 3:1.

Our good advice is to keep the average value - about 30 g per day. Although it is known that Russians even lose their norm and on average eat no more than 12-18 g per day. How to fix the situation?

✔ First, take bran extra. These are champions in the content of coarse fiber - almost 40%. Bran can be added to almost all dishes - soups, hot, smoothies, sprinkled with salads. In the latter case, it is better to pre-soak bran in boiling water.

✔ The second way is fiber from dietary supplements. They are available in the form of powders and tablets. Which form to choose depends on the state of the intestine. It is necessary to consult a doctor. The main thing is to remember: they started to take fiber - proportionally increase water intake.

And carefully study the list of dietary supplement ingredients with fiber. Many of them have a rather complicated composition: all kinds of herbs, powder from the leaves and fruits of plants. Of course, these plants are usually medicinal, but who knows if they will cause allergies or other side effects. If you take fiber in addition, it is better in its pure form.

Undoubtedly, the best source of fiber is natural foods. Add bran and whole grain bread, a variety of cereals to the diet. Cakes prefer fruit desserts or at least marmalade with pastille (they contain pectin). Eat more vegetables! Even cooked fiber is also sufficient. In addition, blanched or steamed, they are better absorbed and retain their natural taste and color.

A few more tips on how to increase the amount of fiber in the diet.

✔ 2 servings of fruit and 5 servings of peeled vegetables daily.

✔ Try to get most of the fiber with breakfast. For example, you can eat whole grain cereal or cereal, cereal bread toast and some fruit.

✔ During the day, have a snack with pears, apples, nuts, seeds.

✔ More often eat vegetables in which there is a maximum of fiber: carrots, corn, beets, peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, turnips.If you can’t live without potatoes, cook or bake it in its uniform.

✔ More beans. Cook lentil soup, garnished with, for example, beans (1 cup - 9 g fiber) with a slice of whole grain bread (3 g more) is already half the recommended daily allowance.

✔ Drink more water. Only with a sufficient amount of fiber does it exhibit its wonderful properties.

Fiber in numbers

Every second inhabitant of the planet suffers from fiber deficiency. Today 90% of our diet consists of foods that do not contain fiber at all: meat, dairy, fish, eggs. Only the remaining 10% give a chance to get as much fiber as needed.

An increase in fiber intake of at least 16 g per day already reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Overweight people with gallstone disease and diabetes should take fiber (for example, bran) at different times: for obesity - before meals, diabetes - during, and for gallstone disease - after.

Snacks in which more than 5 grams of fiber: ½ cup cooked beans or lentils, ½ cup bran, 10 dates, ½ cup blackberry, 1 pear, 5 prunes.

30 grams of fiber can be obtained by eating: 300 g of oatmeal (3.5 g of fiber) + 3 slices of rye bread with bran (7 g) + two fresh carrots (6 g) + 1 apple (4 g) + tomato, cabbage, lettuce and half sweet pepper salad ( 6 g) + a portion of vegetable soup (2 g) + half a glass of any berries (2 g).

The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 6/2013

Text: Victoria Vovk. Photo: Tamara Kulikova /

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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