
Embroidery on our website


Embroidery with its roots goes back to the primitive era, when ancient people made their first stitch for bonding animal skins. Today, embroidery is found in completely different expressions.

This is one of the most common types of folk needlework. Of course, first appeared sewingas a necessity and then embroidery, which served as a decorative addition.
With the help of embroidery you can decorate the finished product with ornaments or plot drawings, make it special, not like the others.
Here poppies of marvelous beauty blossomed on the dress, and multi-colored butterflies flew onto the skirt of the sundress. The collar of the blouse turned into an exquisite decoration, and the lapels of the jacket sparkled with sinuous paintings.

In the hands of the craftswoman, whole pictures come to life, new stories are born, memories are captured. Embroidery reflects a person’s ideas about the world, his artistic predilections and national identity.
And it doesn’t matter whether you embroider on your hands or on a typewriter, the main helpers in this amazing needlework are threads, needles, fabric (canvas, fabric) and your imagination.
Since ancient times in Russia embroidery was one of the most beloved and common types of folk art. All women owned this art. Embroidery was based on ancient rites and customs. This is especially true for cross stitch.The cross has always been regarded as a talisman that protects a person and his home from evil spirits and evil eyes.
The main types of embroidery known today are cross, stitch, beads, ribbons, openwork embroidery (Richelieu), three-dimensional, silk, gold threads, machine. Each species is unique and has its own characteristics. But the result is always something unique, beautiful, admirable.
Today, in order to learn how to embroider, it is not even necessary to attend specialized courses. In needlework stores, you can purchase starter kits with all the necessary supplies and detailed instructions. In addition, the photo forum of our site presents embroidery work, both beginners and skilled workers with great experience. Each embroidery is original in its own way. Some forum users give detailed descriptions of their work and willingly share experience and knowledge in comments with other forum women.
Real wildflowers adorn a jacket Svetlatand delicate butterflies feel great on a skirt:

Machine embroidery Lyubov Komissarova:

On our site inWorkshops from BURDA there is a section dedicated to embroidery. Here you will learn some of the secrets of this amazing needlework. Learn about its non-standard incarnations and possible applications.
Create with pleasure and do not stop there!

Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


Watch the video: diy aesthetic embroidered clothes . JENerationDIY (January 2025).